In 2015, the US Supreme Court in (Obergefell V. Hodges)  struck down all bans on same-sex marriage and legalized gay marriage in all 50 states.  In 2017, seven young people posed on the cover of National Geographic magazine, each representing a different gender identity. That issue marked the collapse of a two-sexed/two-gendered world and the triumph of psychology over biology. Today, we are told that, in addition to male and female, there are 72 distinct genders.  As confessing followers of Jesus Christ, we must stand against what the world teaches about sexuality and stand on scriptural truth. Martin Luther makes this very point when he states the following:

If I profess with the loudest voice and clearest exposition of every portion of God’s truth except that little point which the world and the Devil are at that moment attacking, I am not confessing Christ, however boldly I may be professing Christ. Where the battle rages, there the loyalty of the soldier is proved….

Fellow Christian, faithfulness to God does not stop at the Apostle’s Creed. We must embrace all of God’s teaching, including sexuality and gender identity.

There are two ideas within the sphere of sexuality and gender identity that we must acknowledge:

  • Same Sex Attraction (SSA): refers to emotional, physical, or sexual attraction to a person of the same gender.
  • Gender Dysphoria: severe and persistent discomfort between one’s biological sex and one psychological sense of gender.

It is likely that someone you know experiences SSA or Gender Dysphoria. If you personally identify as LGBTQ+, please know that we at Grace Life are your friends and we welcome you. Our prayer is that each of us will find compassion, clarity and biblical counsel around this complex and sensitive topic. To gain this proper perspective, we must look to the beginning. Throughout Genesis 1, God is the sole actor. God creates (verses 1, 21, 27), God speaks (verses 3, 6, 9, 11, 14, 20, 24, 26), God calls (verses 5, 8, 10), God makes (verses 7, 16), God sets (verse 17) and God blesses (verse 28). Throughout Genesis 1, life is from God and according to His design (verse 27). In summary, we are creatures made by a Creator. Scottish theologian Sinclair Ferguson states it this way: “Our identity, who we truly are, is God-given, not man-made. God grants people the honor of living out their identity but not the license to ultimately design and create it” (Ferguson, 18). He goes on to state that “the foundation of human dignity and worth lies not in biological sex, gender, ethnicity or performance but in the fact that all people are made in God’s image” (Ferguson, 18).  Today’s message, titled God’s Wisdom for Men and Women, presents four essential beliefs about sexuality and gender identity. The first essential belief is….


As Creator, God created two genders


Psalm 139:13-14 tells us that your body is wonderfully created by God. Psalm 139:15-16 goes on to state that your body was planned by God before you even existed. Because these truths apply to each and every person created, they apply just as much to those who wrestle with their mental health, body image, SSA and Gender Dysphoria as they do for the Olympic athlete. Furthermore, Genesis 1:27 tells us that God created two genders only, male and female. Friend, you may feel incongruity between your sexual organs and your felt gender.  However, gender is not assigned at birth by a doctor, self-discovered or self-determined.  Your gender was determined by the loving God of the universe who created you in his image!

To listen or watch this entire sermon, click on the links below.