In our Nursery ministry (ages birth-Pre-K), we strive to create the building blocks of a strong, gospel-centered foundation for our children. We sing, have fun and teach the Bible. We take preschoolers on a chronological journey through God’s big story—the story of redemption weaved through Scripture, from Genesis to Revelation. When preschoolers truly experience the gospel they are forever changed. It is the gospel of Jesus, not good behavior, that transforms hearts. Jesus changes everything.

Safe Church
Our volunteers are required to be trained and screened, and we maintain strict teacher-to-child ratios to ensure safe care. In addition to regular background checks, each children’s ministry room has a video feed broadcast to our Kidz Check-In Desk so you can watch your child being cared for at any time. For health standards, children must be free from fever or symptoms of contagious disease for 24 hours. Let us know of any allergies or medical conditions your child may have.

Check In
Check-in begins 30 minutes before each service, and classrooms open 15 minutes before service starts. If you’re visiting for the first time, you will need to fill out a registration card to receive our security stickers. The stickers serve two purposes:
- Parent Paging – If we need you during service, we will be able to text you.
- Child Pick-up – You must present your portion of the sticker before we release your child.

Nursing Mother?
We have a nursing room for mothers that is private and streams the sermon live so you can tune in even if you cannot be in the sanctuary. You can ask the welcome desk if you have trouble finding it.
Answers in Genesis
Sunday School curriculum
The Gospel Project
Kidz Church curriculum