Covenanting to make much of Jesus together.
We value meaningful membership at Grace Life. We believe that membership is a vital to a believer’s overall growth in Christlikeness and is far more than one’s name on a sheet of paper.
• Membership provides mutual accountability.
• Membership signifies care for the other members of the church body.
• Membership replaces individualistic Christianity for an understanding that a church body is a family.
• Membership takes ownership in the spiritual well-being of those Christians around me.
• Membership recognizes that the elders are present to teach and provide spiritual care.
To this end, we offer a Membership Matters class a few times a year for individuals interested.
Steps to Meaningful Membership

Step 1: Attend Class
Attend the Grace Life Meaningful Membership class. We offer the class 2 - 4 times each year on Saturday mornings. Childcare is provided.
You will meet our pastors, learn our beliefs, the ways you can serve and even take a tour of the building.
Step 2: Membership Form
Fill out the membership form online. See link above.
Step 3: Pastoral Interview
One of our pastors will meet with you. Your interview will be scheduled by the church office or one of our elders.
You can ask any questions you may have. Our pastors ask three questions:
1) How did you come to faith in Jesus?
2) What is the Christian gospel?
3) In what area would you like to serve?
Our elder will record a 2 - 3 minute video of how you came to faith in Jesus to show the church family. This has become one of the key ways that our church family gets to know you and rejoices in God's work in your life.
Step 4: Join
You will be affirmed in one of quarterly Members Meeting. The church office or an elder will confirm the date with you.
Step 5: Serve
Once you’re a part of our Grace Life church family, we hope you will stay connected and serve with other members as we seek to evangelize with the gospel, disciple in the gospel and commission for the gospel.